Thursday, January 21, 2021

9 - Anger

Rebel with multiples causes: ANGER 

1 – Visual example of anger in action 

When you’re angry against somebody, for some real, perceived or imagined slight, you may look for revenge and you want to act immediately. Perfectly human, all too human. Still, you should stop and think a little before you act. But then again, there comes a big problem, because when you’re angry you can’t think rationally. When you’re in an altered emotional state, especially the one full with hot red energy, your cognitive part of the brain is seriously challenged or non existent. 

Remember: The stronger the emotion, the less you are able to think clearly (even in our best of times, with all the numbed emotions inside, most of us aren’t very clear thinkers!) 

2 – Three flashlights on anger 
  • Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change. 
Malcolm X 

  • In a strictly neurological sense, anger is often the response to a threat, and the ‘threat-detection system’ is strongly implicated in anger. 
Dean Burnett 
The Idiot Brain 

  • Nothing will shut down your spiritual life quicker than unresolved anger. 
F. Remy Diederich 
Healing the Hurts … 

3 – Two questions 

  • What are you preferred triggers to get angry? 
  • How, if at all, do you express your anger? 

When you realize what humans (not all for sure) are doing to other sentient beings and to the Planet they are living on, that is a sure way of getting angry, and just the first step of wanting to change something: 
In the year 9595 
I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive 
He's taken everything this old earth can give 
And he ain't put back nothing 

Now it's been ten thousand years 
Man has cried a billion tears 
For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through 
But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight 
So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday 

4 – Anger in language games

When we speak or comment on somebody who is momentarily (or chronically)angry, we describe him or her of being in an intense emotional state which includes an aggressive response to a real or imagined provocation or threat. Anger, as one of the so called “basic emotions”, is an information system that says that something’s not right, and at the same time it is the strongest energy your body can produce, which can push you to action that you may regret later. Therefore you should know how to manage it approbiately. 

The principal purposes of anger are to protect and defend you, and this emotion is, with its opposite twin – fear - your prinicpal guide for survival in the jungle or steppe full of predators (long time ago) and in the human zoo (nowadays) as well. 

What may provoke an anger response in one person doesn’t provoke it for another, since what for somebody constitutes a threat or an injustice, for somebody else it doesn’t mean a thing. As such we get angry not only because of any outside event, but essentially on how we interpret that event, how we give a personal meaning to the situations we are in and the “things” that happen and that we take (some more, some less) as a threat to our personal integrity. 

Three “ingredients” for home made anger and boiling you over 

 1 – There is an outside event, the so called “trigger” or an inside event, that means you are thinking about a slight, threat or humillation from the present or past. 

2 – Your interpretation of the outside event: somewhere from “what was that?“ to “bad” until “unforgiving unbearable” for you. 

3 – How you react and act on your anger depends on your personality, your psychological program from the past for similar situations at hand, the people around, your capacity of managing your anger, the physical anger level of your body, … etc. 

Anger is an emotion that humans spread out, with the help of different labels (words), on a spectrum, as all the other emotions as well, that means a “little bit of anger” may be equal to a light annoyance, which you won’t act upon and you will forget in a few minutes, while an “uncontrollable anger” may be expressed in a murderous rage that destroys everything and everybody in its way. 

Painting with a quite big brush, we can say that Human mammals get angry in different degrees (depending on personal history, subjective interpretation of the event, cultural conditioning, and group norms, …) when somebody does or did something they didn’t quite appreciate, such as: 

Invalidation (Behavior of and by others)
  • Treating you and others unfairly (according to your personal evaluation). 
  • Making fun of you in front of others. 
  • Ignore you or what you are saying. 
  • Crossing some of your real or imaginary boundaries (that are not clear to others but you identify these boundaries by getting angry). 
  • Not paying attention to you in a situation where somebody should (according to your expectations); … 
Comment: Invalidating another person is very effective if you want to destroy any kind of social relationship or you want to get rid of your friends (assuming that you still have any left!). Invalidate always what your spouse is saying and getting a divorce should be easy and fast! (Careful: Probably Irony or a kind of bad joke!) 

 Personal Trauma 
  • Getting fired from a job. 
  • Getting divorced. 
  • Serious accident or illness. 
  • Loss of somebody you love. 
  • A person you absolutely can’t stand wins a million € or $ in the state lottery (this is the most hurtful trauma humanly possible, but thanks to the prudence, prevision and the corresponding actions of randomness, it doesn’t happen all too often!) … 

Limited Choices
  • Losing status, power or significance.
  • Having to do something you don’t want to do, but … 
  • Being imprisoned (real or in your mind).
  • Not seeing a way out of your situation.
  • Others decide for and over you.
  • Your health is seriously challenged, you can’t move and you depend on others. 
  • No tangible and intangible resources left for you to decide anything.

Unmet Needs 
  • No friends, no social contacts, no money = life in the slowest lane possible and imaginable. 
  • Not getting the promotion you expected and desired. 
  • Being excluded/rejected from …; 
  • Not being appreciated (as a person or for something you did). 
  • Not being asked to join … 
  • Not getting what you wanted.
  • Not meeting your expectations of what should have been done; 
  • Somebdoy rejects your request of …; etc. 
Continue with your personal list: … 

Looks like that there are plenty of things and behaviors humans can get angry at or sad about and everybodt has its special situations and psychological triggers to feel this way. The problem is not feeling angry at one time or another, the problem is: “What do I do with all that hot energy (hormons and neurotransmitters) which flood my body and make me feel like a walking bomb, ready to explode at any second?” 

In most cases, the main culprit of our anger responses is the monumental gap between our completely reasonable expectations about how life should be fair and treating us well and the “real bad behavior” of reality, which doesn’t care what we want and doesn’t respond to our expectations of how the world and other people should act in relation to us. 

Reality IS, whereas our expectations are about what SHOULD or SHOULDN’T BE according to our desires, but the two – what IS and what SHOULD BE– may meet only a few times during our lifetime (if at all!). 

So we get angry because our expectations, desires and needs aren’t responded exactly as imagined in our brain. But then again, in a dialectical twist, sometimes social reality is not right, and our expectations are morally far superior to the social reality that actually exists. That means our anger sometimes is morally justified, it has an ethical reason to be, and we should use our anger-energy to change something in and of the outside world! 

In most human groups and larger societies we will find injustice, racism, sexism, tribalism, fanatism, fundamentalism, etc., that means that there are always plenty of situations which need moral adjustments. To change reality you first have to perceive the aspects of it that are not “ethical or moral”, and once you see these flaws of reality, you may get angry about it, and this gives you the energy and the motivation to change social reality, always with a little help from your friends. 

Anger is red and hot, it is felt as heat, energy, and tension, it is a concentrated fire that can burn and destroy a lot of things and realationships on its way outwards into the world. Since anger can be very powerful in its expression, it scares others and it scares ourselves, so we try to avoid it, pretending that we are not angry and everything is fine in the best of all worlds. Psychologists and medical professionals call “Somatizationsthe suppressed feelings that make their appearance years later as bodily symptoms. 

Anger comes in multiple forms and works mostly undercover, like a foreign spy, and like him or her it is most feared and misunderstood, and so it is also the emotion we don’t know how to manage adequately. Nobody has taught us how to deal with anger, since all societies nowadays are “anger phobic”, that means, most people in modern societies try to reduce the expression of explicit anger to the minimum, to the lowest tone possible. 

As kids we learn very early, and slowly by slowly, that our parents and other adults don’t really like it when we get angry and even less that we show our anger openly. Anger is not a welcome emotion that is valued by others. 

  • As children, we learned to associate anger with pain when angry people, usually angry adults, caused us to feel pain. So as adults, most of us usually do all we can to avoid or deny anger, especially the anger we feel inside us. Because we learned that anger leads to pain, we became afraid of anger. 
John Lee 
Facing the fire 

Even in adult life, nobody really wants to be around an angry person, since it disrupts the more or less pretended or imagined harmony (covered up tensions) of a workteam or a family unit. Some communities and cultures are more anger-phobic than others, and in the most anger-phobic ones open criticism or saying “No!” to somebody is a no-go area. 

But when you get angry and you don’t want to act on it, you have to suppress this strong emotion and that comes with a price. The suppressed anger stays in your body as tensions in different parts (headache, backpain, tense muscles, stomach pain, etc.) and may even manifest itself as chronic pain or as a major depression, since the vital energy for living gets diverted to keeping anger in your body cage, and there is no energy left to enjoy life, socialize or doing interesting things. 

  • In numerous studies of cancer, the most consistently identified risk factor is the inability to express emotion, particularly the feelings associated with anger. The repression of anger is not an abstract emotional trait that mysteriously leads to disease. It is a major risk factor because it increases physiological stress on the organism. 
Gabor Maté
When the Body Says No 

5 - When do we need it? 

In our social roles of daily life, as kids, parents, teachers, members of a workgroup or teamleaders, when we have to deal and work with others, there will be and there are always tensions, conflicts and complaints and as such angry feelings will surface. There will be sarcasm, insensitive comments, inappropriate remarks and behavior. Question: How do you react to all these? 

Expressions of anger aren’t easily permitted in most social situations, like in schools or in the workplace, so we try to avoid a conflict and put up with inappropriate behavior of others. 

We keep quiet, looking at us from the outside, but inside we’re boiling over. We suppress our anger and retain our fierce tiger with big ropes inside our body, but in the long run it will destroy our relations with others. Unresolved hurt feelings lead to resentment and that may lead over time to the break up of our relations with friends, family and spouse, and/or to overeating and consuming of other chemical mood improvers (alcohol, legal and illegal drugs, …). 

Anger has a reason to be, it’s an indicator of a conflict or some perceived threat, although you may not know yet which one, so you have to pay attention to anger, it speaks to you, the difficult part is to understand, accept and act on it (or not!). Anger also says that something has to change, either your interpretation of the situation that annoys you or changing the situation itself. 

Changing your thoughts and interpretation of reality is the preferred advice of the Stoic philosophers and the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). That’s the easy way out, you change your thinking and the situation which is disturbing you now looks all pink-pretty. Facing the problem head on and trying to change some aspect of reality is toughter, takes more energy and may have serious and unexpected side-effects. 

Since anger has such a bad reputation, nowadays people don’t say : “I’m angry!” They may say that they are “frustrated”, when in fact they are blood red angry. It is a form of delusion or denial, so that we can think of ourselves as superspiritual beings who never get angry and who are floating above the conflicts and tensions of daily life! 

Life as it is, living and working with other humans – who are, truth being told and apart from you and me, a bunch of irresponsible kids (for not insisting on something even less politically correct) - will always be full of conflicts of interesses. This can and will cause angry feelings in humans, in some more than in others, and while it is natural to feel angry from time to time, feeling uncontrollable and prermanent anger, can be a sign of deeper underlying problems. If that’s your or my case, we should consult a specialist in emotions management and getting into a process of peaceful deconstruction and the controlled releasing of our unexpressed and emprisoned anger.

It's not the wakin', it's the risin' 
It is the groundin' of a foot uncompromisin' 
It's not forgoin' of the lie, 
It's not the openin' of eyes 

It's not the wakin', it's the risin' 
It's not the shade we should be casting 
It's the light, it's the obstacle that casts it 
It's the heat that drives the light 
It's the fire it ignites 

It's not the wakin', it's the risin'

6 – Evolutionary aspects 

Anger as such exists to help you survive, to defend your boundaries and to enable you to fight against all kinds of real and imagined enemies (windmills). It is an emotion that gives us great potential and real power. The evolutionay function of anger is on one side telling us that there is a conflict or danger ahead, and on the other side, it puts our mental and body resources at our immediate disposition, so that we are in a better position to deal with the situation. 

Anger is the mental and body energy – cortisol and adrenaline overflow in your body - that prepares for action, but its expression depends on context and the people present. But we all know that any kind of energy can be used for constructive or destructive goals, so the question is not “To feel angry or not”, the real questions are: “What can I do with my angry kind of red hot energy?” “If I express my anger, will it solve the problem or will it become worse?” 
Anger is, once again with Fear, the essential part of the fight or flight response of your body, it prepares and enables your body to defend and stand your ground. 

On a purely physiological level, our body prepares for action, that means for a fight: 
  • There is an increase in cardiac activity, 
  • muscles tense, 
  • faster and more shallow breathing (to transport more oxygen to the blood and then to the muscles) 
  • adrenaline and cortisol levels are increasing 
  • tunnel vision and focus on the situation at hand 
  • rational thinking seriously impaired (that’s why you will say or do things which you will regret later).   

Anger is the predominant feeling when a person, unconsciously or consciously, goes into a fight with another sentient being to stop what s/he considers as an outside threat. 

Managing and controlling anger is an act which requires emotional maturity, social skills, a high level of self-knowledge, and a near complete Theory of mind (ToM) of others, which is asking a little bit too much for most of us, especially in a situation when we are angry. 

Anger is your friend, but as is the case with all your other friends, they shouldn’t be too near to you all the time, and not too far away when you really need them. The same goes for anger and fear, too much as well as too little of them isn’t good for your survival. 

If you never feel angry, that means you got domesticated out of it and you numbed it down so much that you are not even feeling it even when you are treated injustly. That means you lack the ability to fight for the good and right things in life, and that’s not helping you in reaching some kind of peace of mind: No anger ("frustration"), no change!

Here we see some humans who didn’t accept social reality as it was at their time, and some of them were angry at what they saw, how the all too silent majority treated their brothers and sisters. These “trouble makers” used their anger in a strategic and constructive way, that means, working and fighting for a juster, more equal and more peaceful society (looks like we got lost or stuck somehow on the way there!).

7 – Anger is useful for 

7.1 – Anger expressed in a socially accepted form is useful for 
  • To say clearly "no" to others. 
  • To say clearly "yes I can" to yourself. 
  • To express your boundaries and your values. 
  • To say: “This isn’t just!”, “This isn’t right!” 
  • To act on what you believe is right. 
  • To decide without looking back or taking prisoners. 
  • To clear up your confused mind. 
  • To be present and tangible for others.
  • To take a clear position. 
  • To be taken seriously. 
  • To bring things to life or put an end to them. 
  • To be vital and active. 
  • To have clear goals and go for them. 
  • To know and express what you want. 
  • To decide who you are. 
  • To set clear boundaries. 
  • To get into a lot of trouble (otherwise life would be just too boring!) 
  • Being a heroine or hero in the history books! (Attention please: Heroes die early, that’s why thy are called heroes!) 
• Others: … . 

7.2 – “Out of control” Anger (rage) is useful for 
  • To set your house on fire and let it burn down, just to get rid of some ants. 
  • Raging against the machine, that means against everything and everybody. 
  • Getting a high on endogenous “drugs”— the hormones cortisol and epinephrine (more commonly known as adrenaline) and the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. 
  • Feeling powerful and becoming a “rage-addict” in the process. 
  • Getting beaten up by somebody stronger as you (afterwards you will feel good if and when the pain fades all too slowly!) 
  • Burning all your bridges to other people in one short, crazy wildfire. 
  • That nobody likes you and people avoid you (in gerneral, furiously angry people are not that popular!).
  • To scare your last existing friends away! 
  • Living in solitude until the end of time and shouting to the walls. 
  •  Getting a heart-attack, a stroke or similar fancy reactions of your body under hormonal assault. 
  • When you surf permanently on the wave of chronic anger, you have a higher chance of dying earlier than the ones who don’t surf on that special wave. 
• Others: … 

8 - Forms of anger 

Anger is the answer to a dangerous or at least ambivalent situation, it can be expressed violently, but also it can act as a undercover emotion, which covers our feelings of shame, fear and sadness. These latter emotions make us passive, depressed and small, whereas anger gives us energy and makes us feel bigger, like an animal getting ready for a fight. 

There is active anger, released in the moment when the situation demands it, and there is the repressed anger, which gets imprisoned or released as passive-aggressive behavior, which is the source of a tense situation or relation, but where nobody knows exactly what’s going on. 

Displaced anger (scapegoating) – one of the prefered and most widespread activities of human beings, blaming others for the bad things that happens and happened to them. The real problem starts when they take their blame too seriously and start acting on it, that means attacking and hurting innocent people in the process! 

Others: … 

9 - Shadow sides of anger 

Most of us can be destructive and there is not much skill required to destroy something as any kid who reduces to timy pieces his/her toy can testify. The art of releasing and managing your anger is, as Aristotle wrote some weeks ago in his Ethics: 
  • Anybody can become angry – that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.  

Irritability – being near at the angry edge all the time and answering a more or less normal question in an annoyed tone (yep, I know, all very subjective!). 

Hostility – One level above irritability, you not only respond with an irritable mood, but you also attack verbally the people near to you. 

 Anger attacks – Aggressive attacks which respond too strongly to something apparently quite trivial, and they have more to do with the personal history of the attacker than to the initial trigger. 

Rage – I’m not sure whether rage is the same as anger attacks, but in any case as a behavior out of proportion we can use the two concepts as semantically equivalent, and if you have three of these uncontrolable attacks, throwing and destroying something, hurting or trying to hurt somebody, then you will get labeled with a new umbrella diagnosis: intermittent explosive disorder (IED). 

As such a Psychiatrist wtih a biomedical outlook on mental activities will conclude that your rage is caused by low serotonin levels, and s/he will prescribe anti-depressants, which will dull your rage and persistent anger. These medicaments treat your symptoms, but not the root cause of your sporadic or chronic anger attacks. 

Displaced anger (scapegoating) – (see above) = most dangerous and most common of all human actions inspired by anger! 

Displacement is an ego defense, where you attack an easy target as to get rid of your “bad” feelings and aggressive energy. Since shouting at or slapping your boss is costly (you may lose your job), you displace your “trapped” energy on somebody much weaker than you. That’s what most people do in a social situation where there is a conflict of intereses and where one side is stronger (dominant) than the other (subordinate). Since this structure of stronger and weaker elements exists in all social situations, and in general the stronger elements get a much larger part of the limited social resources, weaker elements get frustrated and angry in the process, and have to release their angry energy somewhere.

And then again, fighting against a alpha mammal is costly, so all animals prefer to cast their anger on weaker mammals than themselves. To get rid of our surplus bodily tension the human mammals chose scapegoats, which have the following "qualities": 
  • They have to be at least physically weaker than us – this is the most important characteristic, since all human mammals are cowards – that means a big man would choose his wife, kids, pets, …, and easily available (living nearby or working with us) and/or in a weaker social condition than us (strangers, member or a minority group, etc). As we blame and attack others we don’t have to analyze and evaluate the real cause of our anger, we just act out to release our bottled up energy. 

No anger at all: Our fear of doing someone wrong keeps us from taking a position, no matter which one. 

And there are also anger-phobic people, who are so scared of the anger of others and of their own anger, with the result that they never ever show any anger. Since they don’t show it, over time their bodies get tenser and tenser and in the end the body will protest and say “No” by getting sick with illnesses which are induced (unconsciously) by themselves.

In real life sometimes you have to say: Me voy (I’m leaving) because of zillions of reasons, but the prinicpal reason is that people don’t treat you like you expected, they don’t treat you as you wished to be treated. So, one day you will say, without blame and without excuses, that enough is enough, and, although you don’t really know what you want, you know exactly what you don’t want: 
I will not cry and say 
That I don't deserve this 
Because It is likely that I deserve it, 
but I don't want it that's why I'm leaving 

10 – How to manage your anger 

Running around with an excess of anger is not a good thing to do if you have to live and work together with other sentient beings. First step to manage your anger is to accept that you are angry, and, depending on context, you can express it in an acceptable way (what is “acceptabe” or not depends on a lot of known and unknown “things”). 

Expressing your anger in acceptable ways means acknowledging your anger and releasing it, without being (all too) aggressive or hurting anybody (Attention please: I’ve no idea how to do that in real life!) 

Best solution is to express your anger, as Aristotle said, “with the right person and at the right time, …” but we seldom (never?) have the best solution at hand in emotionally charged moments. If you can’t use the best solution, try the second or lower level ones: 

  • Go away from the situation for at least half an hour, take a walk. 
  • Hit a cushion or something soft without hurting a living being and without being seen by others. 
  • Do a workout, release physical energy. 
  • Cry and shout in a place where nobody can hear and see you. 
  • Talk to and vent your anger with the television set, a lamppost, the refrigerator, your deaf grandpa, …etc. 
  • Drink two gallons of whiskey amd eat ten pieces of cheese cake … (Careful: may have some side – and afterwards-effects). 
• Others: … 


 Anger is a very strong force with a high energy potential, and as such it can change a lot of things, but in its outward moves it can lead to a lot of destruction and collateral damages if not managed wisely. It is through anger that we take a position. If you don’t take position and you accept inappropiate behavior from others, you’re telling them that they can treat and abuse you as they like. Not taking position will destroy the little self-esteem you have left, and it’s a bad place to be, in order to enjoy life, but it’s a very good starting position for winning a major depression trophy. 

The moment you define something as wrong, you pull out your (plastic)-sword of clarity and define what is okay for you and what is not. Anger is then the force that enables you to stand up for this position and also to defend it if necessary. Anger is therefore the power of clarity. But then again, not everybody likes clarity! 

11 – Four examples of anger in literature and/or real life 

  • My friend Deborah came home early from work one day to find a woman walking out of her bedroom. Yes, Deborah’s husband was right behind this hussy. (Oops, I called her a hussy! Yes, I did! That is not right. But it does show my humanity!) I know she may be the instrument of the wreck, but the husband is the home wrecker. That woman, an acupuncturist, was single, so she wasn’t breaking any vows. The broken vows were his. 
  • Deborah and Mitch had been married for more than thirty years, and she thought they were happy. Sure, they both worked hard. Yes, he came home from the office late and was often tired, but that never sent up a red flag. Deborah had always been a mellow person, but this scene flipped a switch in her that she didn’t even know she had, and she went berserk. She was shocked at the scene and shocked at herself. What the hell did Mitch think he was doing? 
  • It turned out Mitch was “doing” this woman for years. This totally pulled the rug out from under Deborah. She called me late at night, crying and describing searing pain zinging around her body, as if her nervous system were on fire. … 
Julie Potiker 
Life Falls Apart 

  • Anger is simply another way of deflecting the pain, holding it off, fighting back at it. But the pain of loss is unrelenting. It stalks and chases until it catches us. It is as persistent as wind on the prairies, as constant as cold in the Antarctic, as erosive as a spring flood. 
Jerry Sittser 
A grace disguised 

  • On December 14, 2012, a man murdered my daughter and stole her future and stole my future. She was herded into her school bathroom with her classmates and gunned down. Completely vulnerable and defenseless. AND I AM ANGRY. In my experience, anger is the emotion that people dislike the most. They do one of three things: Try to change my attitude and have me look on the “bright side” and “count my blessings,” or change the subject, or stop showing up altogether. All of these infuriate me even more…. 
  • What I want to know is how anyone can think that I will ever be okay with my daughter’s murder? I am outraged, and want to scream, “Why are you not outraged?” And as for blessings, you don’t want to travel down that road with me. You can count your blessings, but I don’t feel very blessed at the moment. You also don’t want to remind me that great things come from great tragedy. I do not want to hear how my daughter’s death taught you something profound or compelled you to do something. 
  • My daughter was not placed on this earth to die and give new perspective. Charlotte was here because she was wanted, was loved, and had something to offer this world while she was living. Everything else feels like an appeasement, and it hurts. 
(Bearing the Unbearable) 

  • It was hard to show my emotions to a man. But the next session, I accepted his invitation: I cried a little as I talked about what hurt me. When I saw I could cry and not be shamed for it, I cried at every session. 
  • Then, also out of the blue, Dan said something terrifying. I’ll never forget it. He said, “It sounds to me like you’re angry at your father for beating you and never being there for you emotionally.” “I am,” I whispered, as though my father, who was a thousand miles away, might hear. 
  • “Or—wait! No, I’m not,” I said in a stronger voice. “I work hard to not be angry. I meditate to avoid it.” 
  • Dan nodded. He has this funny way of nodding, as if he totally believes what you say. “I’m probably wrong,” he said. “I’d like for you to take this pillow and punch your fist into it as hard as you can and say, ‘I’m angry, Dad!’ ”… 
  • My biggest fear—and I’ve seen this with hundreds of people—was that I’d hurt myself. Maybe have a heart attack. I got hurt plenty as a kid. I didn’t want to be hurt as an adult. That’s what I liked about psychotherapy: You couldn’t get hurt while sitting on a couch and talking. … 
John Lee 
Facing the Fire 

12 – Coda 
  • Whereas fear is saying: “I don’t want to be here!” (flight), anger is saying: “I don’t want you to be here!” (fight). 
  • What else anger is saying: "That is wrong." “I don’t want that!” “Tfhat’s not fair!” “That is (or you are) cheating!” etc. 
  • Mission: To take action, to change the hurtful situation, to clarify something, to set clear boundaries, to say “NO”. 
  • Shadows: destruction, violence. 
  • Function: clarity in space and time. 
  • Goal: Cleaning or destroying the old and giving space to the something new to emerge. 
  • Energy level: very high and sometimes too high. If decharged at its peak moment and not being controlled by some security valve, it will consume every- and anything on its way. 

Yep, here’s the question of a zillion dollars: Where is the love the humans are talking and singing about so much? 

What's wrong with the world, mama 
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas 
I think the whole world's addicted to the drama 
Only attracted to things that'll bring the trauma 

Overseas, yeah, we tryin' to stop terrorism 
But we still got terrorists here livin' 
In the USA, the big CIA The Bloods and 
The Crips and the KKK 

But if you only have love for your own race 
Then you only leave space to discriminate 
And to discriminate only generates hate 
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah 
Madness is what you demonstrate 

And that's exactly how anger works and operates 
Man, you gotta have love, this'll set us straight 
Take control of your mind and meditate 
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all 

People killin', people dyin' 
Children hurt and you hear them cryin' 
Can you practice what you preach? 
And would you turn the other cheek?

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4 - Emotions 1

1.1 – Visual example of how emotions are evoked   First test: If you don’t sense or feel anything moving in your body-mind unit after having...